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When I was in the fourth grade a new girl had came to my school. I decided to become friends with her. Every new person I wanted to be friends with. One day she had asked me if I had any social media. At this time all I really had was Facebook. So that's what i gave her and after school she messaged me. We became good friends until she called one of my other friends a bitch. Because this was my best friend she was talking about, I said something back. I told her if she didn't have anything nice to say about my best friend just don't say anything. That got her super mad. She went off on me and started calling me names (fat,ugly,whore,bitch,etc) I stopped talking to her for the day. The next day at school we didn't talk nor even glance at each other. But once I got home there was a new message on my phone from her. "You looked so ugly today." Was what it said. I didn't reply. More messages popped up. I continued to ignore everything. The messages got worse every day though. "Kill yourself please. Your so annoying and fat. I hope your parents rape you!" After about a year of hearing this i told someone. My best friends. They told a teacher. They teacher took care of it. I shut down my Facebook page and ignored the girl. I made a new Facebook because it was a way of keeping in touch with family members. She ended up finding that page. So she continued to cyber bully me. By then I was self harming. Badly. I did sports so I had to put makeup on th cuts. One day the bully seen my cuts and told everyone about them. Secret got out and now more people made fun of me. My friends stuck by my side and sorta helped. The guy I liked called me a emo whore. The bullying got worse everyday. The self harming got worse too. Finally I shut myself away from everyone and soon things went back to normal. The bully left the school. The guy I liked said sorry and admitted that he liked me and he only called me an emo whore because he was very mad. Till this day I still am bullied. No as badly. I have told my parents but they have not been involved so I just don't tell them anymore. I still self harm and I'm very depressed. I'm in 7th grade now.

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