Submission 731

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I don't really want to bore everyone but this may be quite long. In my opinion if you are small, a boffin and loud all at once, bullying comes with it. I suppose in a way I've been bullied all my life. It started off when I was young and the kids who thought themselves amazing wouldn't let me in their games because I was small, therefore weak and couldn't keep up. I was left out of a lot of things and people would resent me and be jealous of my brains. I was a very stuck up bitch in primary school, (I'm English) and I suppose I still am, but maybe without the very. As I progressed into high school I was bullied not physically but emotionally. Names were common and it was one lesson on particular - Citizenship - where someone (a boy) used to just sit by me and I used to go home without a smile on my face. People can walk all over me and I'll just let them. In year 8 it was a different person but the same kind of thing. Year 9 it was sort of better, but I'm still used as a benchmark for others and it annoys me so much. At the end of year 9, on the 18th June 2015, I found out I had Asperger's Syndrome. That explained everything, in my opinion. But when I told who I thought were my three closest friends they told me I didn't have it. They went on about how my now best friend was a fake friend. I ignored them, left them and although we've sort of made up, I completely forgave one today, actually. However I got the worst grade I've ever gotten. I got a C+. People made fun of me and they just assume I want everyone to know my grades but I don't. People like putting me down because they're jealous of me, but I don't think they ever know what I'm feeling. The test was on Pacifism and I just wrote that we needed peace. If I had peace I'd be happy. But when the remarks come shooting my way I just fall right down.

I'm under constant pressure to ace everything because otherwise I will get teased and I hate it.

I hate it.

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