Story 306

427 19 4

I've experienced physical and cyber bullying.

I was about twelve years old at the time.

I was the new student at the time. When I enrolled into the middle school, multiple people told me that the only way I could make friends was knowing them when they were younger. I, of course thought they were joking at the time. When weeks passed by, I began realizing that I was indeed a loner. No one approached me during class, or during the halls when we had to switch periods, or during lunch. No one bullied me at the beginning of the school year.

When the next semester came by, I was still a loner. I tried to make friends but they kept rejecting me. That semester, I had P.E. And a bunch of huge guys were there. That's when the bullying began.

Being harassed, hit and threatened happened for the two years of middle school.

I know what you might be thinking...why didn't you tell anyone? Well let me answer your question.

#1. I was stupid at the time and thought the bullying would fade away.

#2. My parents had HUGE family issues with my aunt and uncle which made me transfer to the another middle school in town.

#3. And me trying to be the good kid, I didn't tell anyone so my mom and dad didn't have to worry about having me transfer back to the other school.

Freshman year of high school came by and I got a phone.

I made a Facebook account. And I made the mistake of trying to friend some people in my school.

And that's when the cyber bullying began.

I felt alone, lost, and scared during that whole year. I dreaded every day I had to go to school. I covered all my scars, bruises. And I also learned how to control my face. So I acted happy when I left my house to go to school. And tried to also act confident when I entered the school.

To this day, although it's not the school year, I get bullied. Any insulted name, I've been called that. I deleted my Facebook account. But I still get messages on my phone. What do I do?

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