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Btw my wattpad is @AnikasBff in case your wondering

I don't know if it would really be bullying or not, but it made me feel bad and unwanted. It started a little while ago from a few of my friends. Friend 1 has been my friend for a year and we were pretty close. Friend 2 is Friend 1's best friend. They've known eachother for 2-3 years. Friend 2 is nice but she goes along with Friend 1. It started when Friend 1 started sitting with Friend 2 instead of me during lunch. Friend 1 always used to sit with me but decided to sit with her for a reason. The friend I go to school with, Im calling her Friend 3, she has lice and Friend 1 knows. I go and leave school with Friend 3 and lately Friend 1 has been not trusting me. She started thinking that I have lice myself when I know I dont (because I've checked several times). Friend 1 says she trusts me but she wont let me sit near her during lunch. She has been pushing me away and always making me feel like a third wheel. In our class at school, I dont have a good friend that I can hang out with and talk with because my other friends have their own good friends. I always feel left out and Friend 1 doesnt help. I dont think she knows how I feel. Here are some examples of how she made me feel this way: creating a "squad" and leaving me out but putting the most hated kid in our class, leaving me out at lunch (as stated before), making a secret language with Friend 2 and using it in front of me intentionally, ignoring me when I call out to her but reacting immediately when Friend 2 calls out to her, shuts me out when I try talking to her, telling me to do stuff for her when she doesnt do it for me when I ask her, etc. Friend 3 hasnt been the best friend either. I have known her for a long time and our parents are close. She also has a good friend,Friend 4. Friend 4 is nice but, like Friend 2,she goes along with Friend 3. When I try to talk to Friend 3, she would say stuff like "Shut up, no ones talking to you" or "No one cares" and also "No one likes you". Every time she says something like that to me, it breaks me a little inside. Im normally an extroverted, fun, hyper, and happy person but this experience have made me an introverted, lonely, and slightly depressed person. I sometimes have my good times with all of these friends and makes me happy. I just hope my situation gets better somehow. 

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