Story 193

567 21 6

Hey guys! Finally nice to get this story out of my chest! :)

Ahem, to start this off, I'm bisexual.

So I'm the only bisexual person in my school (Besides my Girlfriend)

This girl comes up to me and calls me and goes like, "Oh my gosh! Hopefully this girl is lying about her sexuality because being Bi is just, totally wrong."

Those words could never hurt me though, I just ignored.

It became worse, words on my locker saying "Hah, GAY!" "Bi's deserve to go to hell!" "Even when she's bi she can't get a relationship!"

The second and the third one's got me. I hated it.

I've never had a single boyfriend or Girlfriend during this time, I often got made fun of.

But there was this other girl in my school who was bisexual, I mean I didn't really notice. But there was.

It soon got worse punching, gay comments, fighting, pushing, name callings, IT WAS THE WORSE

I started watching 'Straight couples together.' They would stare at me like I was an animal at the zoo

A couple weeks later I tried cutting. It hurt like heck out still, it felt good letting the pain out.

I attempted it many many many times, until I thought "Why don't I just kill myself now?" I did a drug overdose.

But you know what happened, I woke up the next day. Then I knew, God wanted me here, on this earth.

I stopped cutting for good, I got the most beautiful and perfect girlfriend a girl could ever ask for.

Now my friends are getting bullied, I try to stand up for them.

At the end I knew, Being bisexual is okay.

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