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My bullying story is probably a little weird to some people but I'm saying it anyway so tough

My mum and dad split up 3 years ago just after the summer holidays finished like two/three weeks or something and my mum got me and my sister but then my dad took her to court and he ended up getting us. He lived in a little cottage somewhere it was a bit boring but me and my sister found our own fun playing fairies or high schools in the garden or we just went on our laptops and emailed each other stupid messages it was actually really fun until he found a proper house in another village and that's where everything went wrong. I moved schools and was bullied constantly by all the other girls who would mock me because I was shorter than them. I had to wear these stupid boots because my feet had something wrong with them and I loved the boots but then when I went to school everyone said they were clown boots and I didn't tell them off either. There was a group of older kids called the play leaders who lead games for the younger kids and at that point I was one of the younger kids so I went up to join the games but the oldest girl who was the tallest and oldest girl in the school at that time pushed me over and said "you can't play with us if you wear CLOWN BOOTS!" She said and the whole group started calling me a clown and ran away screaming in fake fear of 'the killer clown' it was horrible to me especially since I was only 9/10 ish then.

Then one day my dad said I didn't have to wear them anymore and took me shoe shopping for normal school shoes but they still didn't accept me. I was still their clown. Wherever I went everyone ran away screaming, I had no friends and that wasn't even the worst bullying I've been through.

In year 5 and 6 I went through the worst case of bullying I've ever been through. There was this one girl called wait- I can't say her name so I'll call her bitch. Well bitch was the worst bully I've encountered and still bullies me to this very day. Bitch called me fat so I starved myself, bitch called me stupid so I stayed up all night reading and memorising facts and couldn't stay awake in lessons, she called me a loner so I started following this group of girls around who treated me like dirt, she called me ugly so I put loads of concealer on my whole face to block it out, she called me pathetic and cowardly so I cut myself, and I'm sad to say I still do...

It went on like this until I left in year 6 but I still get picked on by her and her mum is my official babysitter so I'm going to be beat up verbally and abused almost everyday again when I'd just escaped but I can't tell anyone because nobody cares...

And then there's another bullying happening right now. My dad's new girlfriend and her daughters. They bully me but when I plucked up the courage to tell dad he screamed at me and threatened to hit me for being horrible. One daughter is 9 and the other is 5. They tell me to kill myself daily and other horrible things and get away with everything because they bat they're eyelashes at dad and he melts.

I hate my life. Please say something nice in the comments. If 3 or more people say something nice then I'll reply in the comments. Please don't say anything hurtful. 

QUESTION: How do I stop cutting myself and other self harm?

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