Submission 520

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What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

I experienced teasing, the "silent treatment", and some physical bullying.

How old were you when the bullying started?

It started when I first moved to my new school, which was in Grade 2.

Who bullied you (please be vague, by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?

I was bullied by two girls in my class that thought that they were so popular.

How did you feel while you were were being bullied?

I felt horrible. Like i was useless, and no one cared about me.

How did you feel after being bullied?

I still felt useless, but then knew that I had a reason to live.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

Yes, I told my mom, my principal, teacher, and the only person that actually did anything to try to stop the bullying, was my mother.

Why/why not?

I told because I was tired of being bullied, and I wanted it to stop.

How long were you bullied for?

I was bullied from Grade 2 all the way to Grade 5. It was everyday.

Are you still being bullied?

No, but it's the occasional teasing from the boys. But, that's to be expected.

I'm now going into high school, and I will have to see my former bullies because we have to go to the same high school, but they aren't going to get the chance to break me down like they did before. I am stronger because of them. I did get depressed, and still am, (for other reasons) but I won't let them get to me. Thanks for listening. I do have a Wattpad account. It's addictedtobooks2001. And remember, there is always going to be someone who cares about you. Never let them go.

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