Submission 574

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What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

ive experianced cyber, teasing, name calling, and physical.

How old were you when the bullying started? 

well, it started in the last half of fourth grade then all of fifth grade till now, grade 8.

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)? 

my friend, (friend 1) bullied me in grade 4 &5 by bossing me around, she always teased me. she couldnt keep my secrets. but she was the only one who bullied me at that time, no one else liked her. so then sixth grade came along and i didnt rlly get bullied just got into stupid fights with my friends. but now im going to 8th grade.. last year in 7th, i had this friend (lets call her GIRL1) we were rally good friends at the beginning. but then she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore so I was like lol ok. so she started talking behind my back with these group of girls who no one liked but they think everyone loves them. on the last day of school of grade 7 (before this summer) GIRL1 and her friend (let's call her GIRL2) GIRL2, had a fight with me because they overheard me say like "why do they always talk shit about everyone" so they got rlly mad and like GIRL1 tried to push me but it felt like a tap so I was like lol what was that so then my other friend (friend 2) was yelling at GIRL2 "why are u even here, leave!" so GIRL1 and GIRL2 were like ok whatever. i saw a girl (GIRL3) from my school at the park yesterday with my sister (shes 9) and annoying GIRL3 was on her bike with these other people who knew me but I don't know them so one of them was like "don't mess with annoying GIRL3 if you mess with GIRL3, I'll mess with your face b****" so i was like "k like u don't even know me" then she tried to throw something at me but failed so she was like ha b**** and left. so my sister was rlly scared and she was like why didnt u tell me before? so i kinda just said like whatever let's go home. omg school starts on sept 8th for me and i rlly dont want to go. I'm graduating this year to go to gr 9 and I'm so happy bc I'm gonna go to a high school far away from them and start new ugh.

How did you feel while you were being bullied? 

sometimes I would never care, then others times I'd be mad, sad, scared.

How did you feel after being bullied? 

what have i ever done to deserve this?...

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 

yes. i told my cousin bc my sister convinced me saying that i needed help.

Why/why not? 

because my cousin is rlly good for adivces and he has helped me alot.

How long were you bullied for? 

5 years 

Are you still being bullied? 


thanks for reading.. i am @ughruth on wattpad , xruthhh on ig if you wanted to know or anything.

"don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine" -taylor swift. words of wisdom. 

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