Submission 933

392 11 2

The type of bullying I experienced was verbal, emotional, and is slightly dipping into physical.

The bullying started when I was 12, but ive always really been the odd one out.

The people who bullied me are classmates.

The bullies would call me names, spread lies, make it look like I was the bully, and make me feel like shit. Bully1 got someone 2 years older than me to pull my hair.

Being bullied makes me feel like I'm worthless, fat, ugly, untalented, lonely, an attention whore, needy and just shit in general.

I have recently started self harming on my stomach, and arm.

I haven't thought of suicide. I still want to be able to have a future, and love to imagine having a family and nice local job. I just wish I could pause life for as long as I want, whenever I want.

I have told my mother, 4 guidance teachers know (substitues at the time).

I told them because I thought it might help get them to stop. And, for some of the bullies, it did, and I even sometimes talk to one.

It started when I was 12, and I'm 13 now, and still being bullied.

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