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I had moved to a new town in the country and everyone was nice at first. I was greeted, had friends, and everyone thought I enjoyed it. But I didn't. I never was a people person and never enjoyed giving out social information, talking, or being around anybody except my family. So when everybody was trying to be friends with me, I didn't like it. Everybody that watched thought 'oh, they are so nice, they never try to be friends with new students.' That's all it was. They were only there because they thought I was pretty, I later on found out.

After two months of them hanging off my shoulder, I decided I didn't want minions or anybody being there because they didn't know me. I told them I wanted them to leave me alone and stop following me. They tried to talk me put of it but I am stubborn and never gave in. They soon started the bullying.

I was only in third grade when this happened, but they started bullying me verbally. At first it started with my class, then the grade, and eventually the school. I survived the first year but fourth grade wasn't the same.

In grade four, the boys that thought they were oh-so-strong, started hurting me. What they didn't know, was that I was taking MMA classes, but not because of bullying. No one knew about my bullying because they never did it next to teachers, or my family. I beat one of them up one day, but they covered it up by saying that he fell down the stairs. I don't know why they believed him, but they did. The reason no one knew it was me was because I didn't do it in front of anyone.

I was fearing the next grade, but it turned out to not be so bad. Why? Because my parents took me out of this school, and put me into an online school which I am still am in currently. But what nobody knows, is that the words keep replaying in mind, hurting me. They make me think that nobody wants me, needs me, or loves me. My family doesn't make it any better either. They never knew I was bullied and they tease me. They don't mean harm, but the teasing hurts me more than they will know. I self-harm myself now, but I am trying to stop. But when you are broken inside and nothing seems to stop around the bullying, I can't.

What bullies don't know, is that their words and actions always stay with the victim. It doesn't matter what kind of bullying; teasing, making fun, swearing, rumors, kicking, punching, slapping, all kinds of bullying hurt and always stay with the victims that get reminded of it every single day. Sometimes we get pushed over the edge and cause suicide. One of my old friends tried to commit suicide. I was lucky and walked in the room at the same time she fell over. Yes, she took pills. But all I am thankful for is that she is alive and well.

Don't commit suicide. You might not think it, but there are people that love you all around you. This is what keeps me from committing suicide. Every time the blade touches my body, I think of my friend and how she didn't know that I loved her (in a friend way), but I did.

My bullying never stopped though. I am now cyber bullied by a lot of people. But the worst is my best friend's boyfriend. And I never did tell my best friend because she told me she loves him. But when I did tell her, I didn't have a best friend. She said I was lying and then too, joined my cyber bullies.

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