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Up until I was 12 I was popular, I dressed like everyone else and talked like everyone else. I faked everything and faked my personality, once I turned twelve I decided to stop faking. I listened to rock music and dressed in all black, I ripped my skinny jeans. My friends then decided that they didn't like me anymore, they didn't just drop me they stole my phone and then took a picture of me in a bra and underwear and sent it to a lot of the school. I was then laughed at by everyone, I could deal with this because I stood up for myself. I didn't know it would get worse people would come up to me and slap me or punch me for fun. I was the number 1 target of the whole school, later on people would text me and tell me how fat I was and tell me everything about me that was wrong. The main person who bullied me was a boy he was strong and tough, when I was skating home from school one day he pushed me on the floor and threw my skate board at me, I got a concussion. That's when the truth had to come out my mom new that I didn't fall. I told her my whole story and she decided it was best for us to move, that I happily ageeed with. We moved to California. That's when I met my first internet friend he was the nicest person ever and he told me all his regrets about bullying this girl. After 3 years of talking I met him, that boy was the boy that gave me a concussion. I thought my world had ended because he was just pretending to like me and was just back to hurt me. I for some reason trusted him, it might be because he was my best friend or something because after a few months he asked me to be his and I said yes. We are still dating and I couldn't be happier because I am no longer bullied and I have friends to be here with me

I experienced Cyber Bullying, Name calling, physical harm, mental harm, etc.

I was 12 when it started and by my friends,basically everyone

I felt depressed and I was depressed by the time I was 13. They would call me fat, goth, emo, Depressed freak.

No I never self harmed even though I was depressed, I wanted to but I never did. After being bullied I felt kind of hopeful. I told my mom and we later moved

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