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I started getting bullied in grade 2. I didn't do anything to make people hate me, but they hated me. They called me names and didn't ever let me play with them.

When I moved schools, the bullying continued because most of the students from my previous school had also moved. There was one particular person that spread rumours about me only to keep the bullying going. She would tell people that I was a loner and had no friends. She would tell them all sorts of lies that caused others to call me names like "mean" and "ugly". At this point I was in grade 3 and was too scared to talk to anyone about what was happening.

The bullying continued and the same specific girl was like the queen bully. She would think that she had control over me. Whenever she walked pass me in the corridor, she would take her long hair that was plaited and would hit me with it, really hard. Later, she would say it was an accident but she did it every time, so I know it wasn't an accident.

In grade 5, things got worse. The bullying continued. More mean names were thrown at me and more extreme rumours were spread. Also, at home things got worse. Mum got pregnant with dad and dad didn't want another child. He would shout and yell at my mum, sister and me. I was scared cause he'd get really angry and would sometimes hit us.

This continued over a year. In year 6, things got better. I had the courage to tell a support teacher who helped me in that last year of primary school. I was happy. I had nice friends. I celebrated my birthday after ten years and everything was great.

Unfortunately, when I moved to secondary school, the bullying began again. The same specific girl had come to the same school as me. At first, we were friends and used to hang out all the time. That was until she became friends with others and ditched me. I was alone and had nowhere to go. I had no one to eat lunch with or chat with. I hated life at this point and self harmed. I didn't want to do it, but it happened.

A couple of months later, I became friends with a girl who was exactly like me. We became best friends and it was great. However, she went to clubs at lunch time so I could never stay with her. So, I went back to the specific girl from before and she let me become friends with her again.

When it came to the end of year trip, me and my group of friends decided what groups we were in for our trip. What I didn't know was, that they were going to secretly not write my name so that I didn't go with them. This meant that I couldn't go to my end of year trip at all but I caught them out and they quickly wrote my name down. I asked them why they weren't going to let me in their group. Queen bully decided that she was going to deny everything I said. But in the end I went to the trip.

The next day after the trip, Queen bully humiliated me. She shouted at me in front of all my "friends" and said that nobody likes me and I should just go away. I self harmed again and when I went home, mum found out and I was told by the doctors that I was under depression.

At school, I left the Queen bully. I was crying so much and didn't know what to do. My teacher caught me crying and I told her what happened. She shouted at Queen bully and she got in trouble. Then, I went back to the friend I made in year 8. The one who used to go to clubs. She stopped going to clubs and spent her lunch times alone. I decided to become friends with her again. And until now, we're still best friends. I'm can't tell if the bullying still goes on or not. Queen bully would keep saying stuff about me behind my back but I didn't let it get to my head most of the time.

I'm still under depression but I know for a fact everything has gotten better.

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