Story 127

817 33 3

The bullying started when I was in the third grade. All the other kids thought that I was weird. I have ADHD so i am always hyper and cant sit still. I told my teacher but they didn't do anything. At that time it was only a few people. The next year in fourth grade it got worse. At that point I only had a few friends. Then in fifth grade both of my best friends changed schools. So I had no one. In sixth grade it got worse my best friends cousin started to go to our school so we would try to sit with her. My friend sat down and then when I sat down they all left. So I started sitting with the other people who were labled as outcasts. I finally felt included in something. Then in seventh grade all the bullying started again. I was so freakin sick of it so I moved schools. I currently go to a that school. There is still some rude comments or go aways said but over all it has gotten alot better. And I actully have friends 😀😀😀

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