Story 302

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It was nothing serious the bullying i endured when I was little. The first bully I ever had was there and gone there was this kid in my kindergarten class and we had been singing the alphabet song and I told him that he forgot to say the letter Z and he slapped me. It was only once though so no biggie, but as the years went on little bullying acts felt horrible. Like in 2nd grade when I was on the playground and I was running and someone called out to me and told me I was fat and stupid, so I naturally reared up but I held the tears in because I didn't wanna embarrass myself but then while waiting in line with the other kids I heard whispers so I just started crying and everyone treated me oddly after that. Now it was my parents they they're hard to explain they call me old they say I'm ugly, fat and stupid and all of this just I couldn't handle it and to this day they still say things like that. Now the bullying I'm enduring now consists of cyber bullying. The comments consist of how I can't dress myself and how I'm a annoying person and how I'm worthless and stupid, and it hurt I sat there each time is been called a name and then I began to get angry and then i tried to forget about it. All these little acts of bullying are so much worse because I never had an self esteem, and now I have a wall, a facade if you will I pretend i don't care and act like it doesn't matter so yeah that's my story

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