Story 384

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I have experienced bulling in my life. I started getting bullied at the age of 10. I was at my old school and i was in 5th grade. This bully that i knew since i was in kindergarten or 1st grade that is a boy called me names like fat girl. He also said that i need to run to loose weight. Im a person who always see the good in people. Im always trying to be friends with everybody and trying to help out. But for some reason i could never make peace with the bully. He would say i run fast for a fat girl. At first i didn't mind because i try not to let stuff get to me. But after a while i couldn't take it nomore. I would come home some days gloomy. I would cry myself to sleep. I told the teacher and all she would do was tell him to stop. He would hit me. So one day i hit him because the bully hit me. The teacher saw and yelled at me. I tried to tell her but she would yell at me and him and tell us to both stop it. He also would hit my friend. At that point i was tired of it. I told my mom and she went up to the school to talk to my teacher. The teacher would act all innocent. She would say "Oh she didn't tell me that she was still getting bullied. I will take to him". She talked to him. He was making faces at me. He then offered to bring me a soda. But after a while he still would get on my nerves. I also got bullied by these two boys who were younger. It didn't affect me because my bff that is a boy stood up for me. The boys were picking on my hair saying i need to get my hair done. They also said my hair is short. My bff was like her hair is done. I left the school in March. I was so glad to get away. It was a relief. I went to another school for the end of 5th. I missed my friends at my ole school but im happy that i got away from the bullies. I now know that i shouldn't let people bully me. I should stand up for myself and im sticking to it.

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