Submission 869

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I've always had it hard. I was born into a good family, but unfortunately traumatic things happened. When I was about 6, my father walked out of my mothers life, but my younger brother and I still got to see him every fortnight. In that time, he sexually abused both of us. About a year later, my mother came out of the closet, and got with another woman who proceeded to physically and mentally abuse us until I was roughly 12 years old.

At 9, we moved schools. I was in year 5 and went to a smaller school, no more than 50 students. From the day I entered that school, I got ignored. I was confused about that, why didn't they want to speak to me?

It turns out ignoring is horrible when you are a confused young girl trying to figure out who she is.

Onto high school, and I was shoved further into the outcast category. I got bullied by 3 boys in my class mainly, calling me names, saying I was fat, abusing me verbally because of my mother and my past. There is one day that sticks out in my memory the most. The first is the day these three boys continuously threw things at me from across the classroom. All lesson they did that, until the end of the day. I was a slow leaver as they knew so I packed up and walked out, just in time for the whole class to line up and throw whatever they could at me while I walked past. It was horrible!

These actions didn't help me at all, and I spiralled into a dark depression for close to 2 years while these people found it fun to make my life a living hell.

This went on for years, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Until I found my Boyfriend. He has helped me as much as he has been able to stop the bullying and abuse, and has helped me with myself too. I'm 17 years old now, just finished high school and I actually see a future ahead of me.

My message to all of the people who think it won't; it will get better. Even if that day is a while away, just be patient. You are worth something, don't let somebody else tear you down, because you are allowed to live any way you want to. I believe in all of you ❤️😘😋

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