Submission 1058

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 So I had a bad childhood my mom died when I was 3 of brain cancer. Then a year later my dad remarried; and had 3 kids together. Before my mom died she gave me a sister. My stepmom also had 2 kids.

When I turned 12 I kinda knew something was wrong . like you know when you know something but aren't sure of it??? that's what I felt. Last August my real mom's mom died. When me my little sister, my dad, and his "friend" went to my grandma's visitation my grandma's sister came and told me I looked like my real mom. It was like salt in the wound.

Around Thanksgiving I found out my parents were getting divorced. I was devastated. I'm in 7th grade, I mean everything is hard. When my stepmom and I were coming from Church she told me that I have a pretty singing voice. Ever since then she has been mean she purposely forgot my birthday. Then insulted me on my birthday saying things that actually truly hurt. She will keep calling me fat every once in awhile, and I just feel like I'm getting bullied, I might be overreacting, if so sorry.

Lately some jerk found out I likeD this one kid last year so he went up to this kid and said "(my name) likes you and she wants your booty" Then later in the year he started dating one of my friends and he told her that I "like" that kid and so she has been spreading rumors around that I am desperate for him. 

ADVICE: Don't back down.

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