Story 396

381 13 5

What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

All that you just named. Mainly cyber and physical altercations.

How old were you when the bullying started?

My whole life, to be honest. But probably when I was 4 or 5.

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?

Really, everyone. My parents did at times, old friends, my close friends today, and the "popular" kids.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

(I'm still bullied I'll put my experience now) I feel worthless and start thinking about nasty things they said to me. I fell for the words and believed them, I cry every night and stare at myself everyday and think about what they said. It hurts, a lot.

How did you feel after being bullied?

I'd walk away with my head down and cry while no one noticed. I felt like going to my biggest supporter, my grandfather but he's gone.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?


Why/why not?

I felt no need to tell if I believed them and that they wouldn't get in trouble for it. It didn't matter to me. What mattered was finding out if what they said was true.

How long were you bullied for?

For years.

Are you still being bullied?

Yes, sadly.

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