Story 146

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Hi I'm raven_shade This is my friends bullying story in just gonna say it in first person so is started when my dad left I missed him so much I became depressed and wanted his attention so much I started to online date keep in mind I'm 13.I talked to random people online and then my first online boyfriend asked for nudes and I thought if I did it would get my dads attention so u sent them.Nobody in school found out that's not how the bullying start but how my depression started.Then I was called stupid fat ugly slut and whore so I moved schools.At my new school everything was good until I went on Omegle one day and started online dating again.I told my friends and 2 of them told me I was stupid for doing that and they didn't want to deal with my drama and shit.That made me sad and cut.I wasn't gonna tell my best friend(me)but she found out.(don't know why I'm telling this in first person but I just am)She didn't talk to me for a bit but got over it.Thats when I went to use the bathroom one day and found people wrote my name is a slut whore ugly fat cuts but it wasn't my best friend somebody else knew about what I did.Eventually everyone at school knew and people would go by me and say that the girl who likes him she's such a slut.Thats when most of my friend I thought was true strayed talking about me behind my back they all secretly hated me and one day u didn't go to school the next day I went to school got in a fight with my best friend and she found out I cut again.Thats when I was really alone and realized I needed to move for next year.But until then people still made fun of me online so I went to a councilor and have been getting better but not really.Well that's it that's my friends story I told in first person once again my name is raven_shade.

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