Submission 682

529 16 2

My story isn't as bad as everyone else's, some people probably wouldn't even class it as bullying but anyway here it is.

It all started when I broke up with one of my ex boyfriends let's call him 'BOY1' well anyway me and BOY1 were still friends afterwards but a few months down the line he started calling me horrible names, then some of his friends started joining him, the names were mainly things like: fat, ugly, b***h and stuff like that, it didn't bother me at the time.

But when I started secondary school I remembered everything they said to me. All the girls at my school were pretty and really slim, this is when I started self harming and developed and eating disorder.

It's been two years since that, I still have an eating disorder, I have depression and suicidal thoughts and still self harm sometimes. Also recently I started getting shouted at by people who I thought were my friends all because I was confused about my sexuality, and I still sort of am.

Anyway I would just like to say that if you have been bullied or are still being bullied don't worry because there is always someone there for you. Xxxxx 

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